Search tips

Search by : Keywords, Common name or Botanical name with prompts.

If you tick the suggestions box underneath the search box you will receive prompts from our Botanical names database. When you type the third letter of your botanical search you will see a list of botanical names beginning with those three letters, hopefully doing away with the dependency on us all being able to spell correctly. Don't worry if you are not up on your botanical names just the common name, simply type the common name and you should get the images you need. Alternatively type type the 'colour+plant' (red rose) and you will see all images that are red and a rose. If you are still having trouble finding a suitable image, please email us and we will undertake a search on your behalf at not extra cost or just call us on +44(0)1273 746564 one of our team will be happy to help.

Whilst we do have a free text descriptive text to describe the images, we use a predefined controlled vocabulary for key-wording, using keywords that are Descriptive and some that are more Conceptual.

Descriptive terms used are :
(this is a screen grab not an active search option)

Conceptual terms used where appropriate are:
(this is a screen grab not an active search option)

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