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    • crops
  • (852)
Potato, Solanum tuberosum, Flowering crop plant.
Potato, Solanum tuberosum, Flowering crop plant.
Wheat, Winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, Side view of cereal crop gowing outdoor.
Wheat, Winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, Side view of cereal crop gowing outdoor.
Wheat, Winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, Side view of cereal crop gowing outdoor.
Wheat, Winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, Side view of cereal crop gowing outdoor.
Olive, Sweet olive, Olea europaea var. sativa, Aerial view of mass of harvested olives.
Olive, Sweet olive, Olea europaea var. sativa, Aerial view of mass of harvested olives.
Celeriac, Apium graveolens rapaceum 'Monarch', Root vegetable growing in allotment.
Celeriac, Apium graveolens rapaceum 'Monarch', Root vegetable growing in allotment.
Aubergine 'Ophelia' F1 Hybrid, Solanum melongena, Backlit mauve coloured flower.
Aubergine 'Ophelia' F1 Hybrid, Solanum melongena, Backlit mauve coloured flower.
Pear, Asian Pear, Pyrus pyrifolia var. ghouzouri, Golden coloured fruit growing on the tree.
Pear, Asian Pear, Pyrus pyrifolia var. ghouzouri, Golden coloured fruit growing on the tree.
Fern, Bracken, Pteridium aquilinum, Green fronds of plant growing outdoor.
Fern, Bracken, Pteridium aquilinum, Green fronds of plant growing outdoor.
Fern, Bracken, Pteridium aquilinum, Green fronds of plant growing outdoor.
Fern, Bracken, Pteridium aquilinum, Green fronds of plant growing outdoor.
Lettuce, Lettuce 'Chartwell', Lactuca sativa var. romana, L-R lettuce chartwell, Yugoslavian red, Analena, all growing in allotment.
Lettuce, Lettuce 'Chartwell', Lactuca sativa var. romana, L-R lettuce chartwell, Yugoslavian red, Analena, all growing in allotment.
Lettuce, Lettuce 'Chartwell', Lactuca sativa var. romana, L-R lettuce chartwell, Yugoslavian red, Analena, all growing in allotment.
Lettuce, Lettuce 'Chartwell', Lactuca sativa var. romana, L-R lettuce chartwell, Yugoslavian red, Analena, all growing in allotment.
Lettuce, Lettuce 'Chartwell', Lactuca sativa var. romana, L-R lettuce chartwell, Yugoslavian red, Analena, all growing in allotment.
Lettuce, Lettuce 'Chartwell', Lactuca sativa var. romana, L-R lettuce chartwell, Yugoslavian red, Analena, all growing in allotment.