Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close cropped view of an open pink flower with an ant on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower with a hoverfly on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower with a hoverfly on the yellow stamens.
Ox-eye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, Side view of a flower opening its white petals. A small green and red garden spider is weaving a web across the flower.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Close side view of a mauve flower with droplets and an insect.
Mallow, Lavatera 'Barnsley', Close view of one front facing open flower with pale pink petals with deep pink where they meet the pink protruding stigma and white stamen.
Poppy, Opium Poppy, Papaver somniferum, Close view of a double flower with a hoverfly.
Hyssop, Agastache, Close view of a Peacock Butterfly on a stem of flower.
Allium, Butterfly on an emerging from bud.
Sea Holly, Flat Sea holly, Eryngium planum, A Bumble Bee obtaining nectar from a single flower.
Sea Holly, Flat Sea holly, Eryngium planum, A bee obtaining nectar from a single flower.
Sea holly, Miss Wilmott's ghost, Eryngium giganteum, Close up view. of a Bee on the flower.