• Results for
    • pattern
  • (1034)
Cactus, Golden Barrel Catus, Echinocactus Grusonii var. Subinermis, Aerial view showing pattern of the spiky needles.-
Cactus, Golden Barrel Catus, Echinocactus Grusonii var. Subinermis, Aerial view showing pattern of the spiky needles.-
Houseleek, Sempervivum, Detail of yellow coloured plant showing pattern.-
Houseleek, Sempervivum, Detail of yellow coloured plant showing pattern.-
Begonia, Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery', Close up detail of leaf showing the pattern.-
Begonia, Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery', Close up detail of leaf showing the pattern.-
Triteleia, Triteleia ixioides 'Starlight', Close up of yellow coloured flowers showing the pattern.
Triteleia, Triteleia ixioides 'Starlight', Close up of yellow coloured flowers showing the pattern.
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Dahlia, Dahlia 'Oakwood Naranga', Close up of orange coloured flower showing pattern.-
Dahlia, Dahlia 'Oakwood Naranga', Close up of orange coloured flower showing pattern.-
Dahlia, Dahlia 'Oakwood Naranga', Close up of orange coloureed petals showing pattern.----
Dahlia, Dahlia 'Oakwood Naranga', Close up of orange coloureed petals showing pattern.----
Fatsia,  Fatsia japonica 'Spider's web', close up of variegated leaf showing pattern.
Fatsia, Fatsia japonica 'Spider's web', close up of variegated leaf showing pattern.
Fatsia,  Fatsia japonica 'Spider's web', close up of variegated leaf showing pattern.
Fatsia, Fatsia japonica 'Spider's web', close up of variegated leaf showing pattern.
Trees with bare branches, manipulated with multiple exposure effect and colours, creating a pattern.
Trees with bare branches, manipulated with multiple exposure effect and colours, creating a pattern.
Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus woodland in winter with many multistemed trunks and branches creating a pattern. Manipulated colours.
Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus woodland in winter with many multistemed trunks and branches creating a pattern. Manipulated colours.