• Results for
    • unusual plant
  • (1547)
Primula, Primrose, Primula vialii, Mauve coloured flowers on red flowerhead.-
Primula, Primrose, Primula vialii, Mauve coloured flowers on red flowerhead.-
Primula, Primrose, Primula vialii, Mauve coloured flowers on red flowerhead.-
Primula, Primrose, Primula vialii, Mauve coloured flowers on red flowerhead.-
Pitcher plant, Sarraceria courtii, Two entwined stems growing outdoor.
Pitcher plant, Sarraceria courtii, Two entwined stems growing outdoor.
Witch hazel, Hamamelis mollis, Backlit veiw of leaves growing on the tree.
Witch hazel, Hamamelis mollis, Backlit veiw of leaves growing on the tree.
Fritilary, Snake's head fritillary, Purple coloured flowers growing outdoors.-
Fritilary, Snake's head fritillary, Purple coloured flowers growing outdoors.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Chinese Toon, Toona sinensis 'Flamingo', Studio shot showing the pattern of the pink leaves and branches.-
Castor Oil plant, Ricinus communis, Close up of red coloured plant showing spiky detail.-
Castor Oil plant, Ricinus communis, Close up of red coloured plant showing spiky detail.-
Castor Oil plant, Ricinus communis, Close up of red coloured plant showing spiky detail.-
Castor Oil plant, Ricinus communis, Close up of red coloured plant showing spiky detail.-
Winged spindle tree, Euonymus alatus, Close up of red coloured flowers growing on the tree.-
Winged spindle tree, Euonymus alatus, Close up of red coloured flowers growing on the tree.-
Spindle Tree, Euonymus bungeanus 'Fireflame', Red leaves agasint a blue sky.
Spindle Tree, Euonymus bungeanus 'Fireflame', Red leaves agasint a blue sky.
Banana, Musa, Close up of the flower.
Banana, Musa, Close up of the flower.