• Results for
    • tree
  • (1560)
Sumac, Cut-leaf staghorn sumac, Rhus tpphina, Plant with red berries growing oputdoor.
Sumac, Cut-leaf staghorn sumac, Rhus tpphina, Plant with red berries growing oputdoor.
Witch hazel, Hamamelis cultivar, Yellow coloured plant growing outdoor.
Witch hazel, Hamamelis cultivar, Yellow coloured plant growing outdoor.
Bergamot, Citrus bergamia, Hybrid of Citrus limetta and Citrus aurantium growing outdoor.
Bergamot, Citrus bergamia, Hybrid of Citrus limetta and Citrus aurantium growing outdoor.
Dwarf Shiro Plum blossoms, Close up of flowers growing on the tree,  Oregon, USA.
Dwarf Shiro Plum blossoms, Close up of flowers growing on the tree, Oregon, USA.
Looking up into grove of California Fan Palm, Coachella Valley Preserve, California, USA.
Looking up into grove of California Fan Palm, Coachella Valley Preserve, California, USA.
Hoarfrost on pine tree, Oregon, USA.
Hoarfrost on pine tree, Oregon, USA.
Bonsai ponderosa pine tree struggling to survive and Cherboard Mesa,  Zion National Park, Utah, USA.
Bonsai ponderosa pine tree struggling to survive and Cherboard Mesa, Zion National Park, Utah, USA.
Sitka Spruce trees in fog, Samuel H Boardman State Scenic Corridor, Oregon, USA.
Sitka Spruce trees in fog, Samuel H Boardman State Scenic Corridor, Oregon, USA.
Lit lanterns in Portland Japanese Gardens, Oregon, USA.
Lit lanterns in Portland Japanese Gardens, Oregon, USA.
Bridge and stream, Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon, USA.
Bridge and stream, Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon, USA.
Japanese Maple tree with new growth, Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon, USA.
Japanese Maple tree with new growth, Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon, USA.
Japanese maple, Sculpture and autumnal colours at Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon, USA.
Japanese maple, Sculpture and autumnal colours at Portland Japanese Garden, Oregon, USA.