Winter windflower, Anemone blanda 'Blue Shades', Side view of delicate blue daisy flower fully open, its curved stem bent over so its facing downwards.
Mexican pinenut, Pinus cembroides, Masses of pine nuts in a pile with moody light.
Wild blackberry, Rubus fruticosus., A sprig of flowers with others and berries soft focus behind.
Rose, Rosa 'Passion', Close view from overhead of a single flower.
Rose, Rosa 'Passion', Classic dozen deep red roses arranged in a vase.
Nerine, Close view of several pink flowers with selective focus.
Painter's palette, Anthurium scherzerianum, Red plant pot on a table.
Lemon, Citrus limon and limes, Citrus aurantiifolia, Several whole fruits, with halves grouped together.
Orange, Citrus sinensis, Several whole fruits, with halves and quarters grouped together.
Cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos with Raspberry, Rubus idaeus, Masses of fruit viewed from above.
Rose, Rosa 'Passion',Overhead view of a bouquet of six red roses with six pink and white roses with variegated ivy, surrounded by a red net wrap.
Blackthorn, Sloe, Prunus spinosa, Close up showing the bluew coloured berries.
Rose, Rosa rugosa 'alba' hips, Close up of two red hips growing on the plant.