Rose, Rosa MARY ROSE 'Ausmary', a double flowered pink rose just opening.
Rose, Rosa MARY ROSE 'Ausmary', a double flowered pink rose just opening.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close side view of a fully open pink flower showing the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close cropped view of an open pink flower with an ant on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower with a hoverfly on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower with a hoverfly on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower focusing on the yellow stamens inside with dew drops on the outside of the petals.
Transvaal perlagonium, Pelargonium transvaalense, Close side view of a single pale pink flower, veined wiht deep pink and showing its orange stamens.
Mallow, Lavatera 'Barnsley', Close view of one front facing open flower with pale pink petals with deep pink where they meet the pink protruding stigma and white stamen.
Mallow, Lavatera 'Barnsley', Close view of one front facing open flower with pale pink petals with deep pink where they meet the pink protruding stigma and white stamen.
Tree mallow, Lavatera x clementii 'Rosea', One unfurling flower, its pink petals twisted around each other. Accompanied by a single leaf.
Fuchsia 'Walz Jubelteen', Close side view of one pale pink flower with deep pink inner petals, protruding dark stamen and white stigma.