• Results for
    • vein
  • (193)
Orange, Citrus sinensis.
Orange, Citrus sinensis.
Gunnera, Gunnera manicata.
Gunnera, Gunnera manicata.
Banana, Musa.
Banana, Musa.
Carpinus Betula, Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus.
Carpinus Betula, Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus.
Bay, Laurus nobilis.
Bay, Laurus nobilis.
Coffee, Coffea arabica.
Coffee, Coffea arabica.
Viburnum, Viburnum.
Viburnum, Viburnum.
Field Maple, Acer campestre.
Field Maple, Acer campestre.
Cocoabean, Theobroma cacao.
Cocoabean, Theobroma cacao.
Cabbage, Brassica oleracea.
Cabbage, Brassica oleracea.
Greece, Edible fruit of Fucus carica growing from stem of shrub or tree.
Greece, Edible fruit of Fucus carica growing from stem of shrub or tree.
Coppery - green new leaves of Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, translucent against sunlight.
Coppery - green new leaves of Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, translucent against sunlight.
Copper - green new leaves of Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, translucent against sky.
Copper - green new leaves of Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, translucent against sky.
Single, pale pink - white flower of Clematis montana in bright sunlight against cloudless blue sky.
Single, pale pink - white flower of Clematis montana in bright sunlight against cloudless blue sky.
Single pink flower of Camelia japonica 'Yours Truly' with delicate veining extending over petals and yellow centre.
Single pink flower of Camelia japonica 'Yours Truly' with delicate veining extending over petals and yellow centre.
Single pink flower of Camelia japonica 'Yours Truly' with delicate veining extending over petals and yellow centre.
Single pink flower of Camelia japonica 'Yours Truly' with delicate veining extending over petals and yellow centre.
Delicate pale pink flowers of Lavatera cachemiriana. Two fully open in foreground with cluster of buds behind.
Delicate pale pink flowers of Lavatera cachemiriana. Two fully open in foreground with cluster of buds behind.
Translucent, spent and dried flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii Perfecta' with network of veins extending across each petal-like sepal.
Translucent, spent and dried flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii Perfecta' with network of veins extending across each petal-like sepal.
Viola riviniana Purpurea Group. Single flower with veined, purple petals.
Viola riviniana Purpurea Group. Single flower with veined, purple petals.
Tree mallow, Lavatera x clementii Rosea. Single flower with furled petals prior to opening.
Tree mallow, Lavatera x clementii Rosea. Single flower with furled petals prior to opening.
Iris unguicularis. Single flower with pale blue, veined petals and yellow central stripe to each fall.
Iris unguicularis. Single flower with pale blue, veined petals and yellow central stripe to each fall.
Crocus vernus. View from above into opening Crocus with bright orange stamen encircled by blue, veined petals.
Crocus vernus. View from above into opening Crocus with bright orange stamen encircled by blue, veined petals.