Hampton Court Flowershow 2009, The Sadolin Nature to Nuture Garden designed by Philippa Pearson. Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red' growing beside metal sculpture reflected in mirror behind.
Hampton Court Flowershow 2009, The Sadolin Nature to Nuture Garden designed by Philippa Pearson. Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red' growing beside metal sculpture reflected in mirror behind.
Hampton Court Flowershow 2009, The Sadolin Nature to Nuture Garden designed by Philippa Pearson. Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red' growing beside metal sculpture reflected in mirror behind.
Hampton Court Flowershow 2009, The Sadolin Nature to Nuture Garden designed by Philippa Pearson. Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red' growing beside metal sculpture reflected in mirror behind.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower with a hoverfly on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower with a hoverfly on the yellow stamens.
Rose, Rosa 'Summer Breeze', Close view of an open pink flower focusing on the yellow stamens inside with dew drops on the outside of the petals.
Tree mallow, Lavatera x clementii 'Rosea', One unfurling flower, its pink petals twisted around each other. Accompanied by a single leaf.
Sneezeweed, Helenium 'Goldrausch', One open flower with red and orange petals and a dark central cone surrounded by yellow stamen.
Fuchsia 'Walz Jubelteen', Close side view of one pale pink flower with deep pink inner petals, protruding dark stamen and white stigma.
Fuchsia 'Walz Jubelteen', Side view of one pale pink flower with deep pink inner petals, protruding dark stamen and white stigma, suspended across the middle of the frame.
Smoke bush, Cotinus coggygria, Close view of an autumn leaf with its speckled patches of colours.
Autumn crocus, Colchicum 'Rosy Dawn', Close side view of one flower with mauve tinged white petals and orange stamen.
Crocosmia, Montbretia, Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Star of the East'. Close view of a single stem of pale orange flowers.
Rose, Dog rose, Rosa canina, Overhead macro view of a mass of yellow stamen in the centre of a white wild rose.
Mountain ash, Sorbus 'Joseph Rock', Clusters of the creamy yellow berries and autumn colour tinged leaves, in sunshine against a blue sky.