Pungent Desert Parsley, Lomatium grayi, and early red oak leaf growth, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Washington
Purple ice plant blossoms and path, Pacific Grove, California, USA.
Cyclaman, Close up of pink coloured flowers.
Lily, Lilium, Aruba California Callas, sp Zantedeschia, close up against green background.
Tulip, Tulipa, Mixed flowers and fruit orchard in spring, Woodburn, Oregon, USA.
Tulip, Tulipa, Single yellow flower among field of red ones.
Tamarack or larch in autumnal color, North Cascades National Park, Washington, USA.
Bench surrounded with blooming Blue Bonnet hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla.
Wildflowers and burned manzanita bush three years after wildfire, Mostly Ceonothus, snowbush, and Indian Paintbrush, Freemont National Forest, Oregon, USA.
Lilly, Arum lily, Calla Lily, Close up with dew drops.
Tidy Tip, Layia platyglossa, and one Baby Bue Eyes, Nemophila menziesii, Carrizo Plain National Monument, California, USA.
Mixed wildflowers, mostly poppies and bachelor buttons, Growing outdoor.