• Results for
    • unusual plant
  • (1547)
Spindle Tree, Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Pink delight', Seed capsules on branch.
Spindle Tree, Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Pink delight', Seed capsules on branch.
Spindle Tree, Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Pink delight', Seed capsules on branch.
Spindle Tree, Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Pink delight', Seed capsules on branch.
Beauty berry, Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion', Close view of the violet berries on bare twigs in the autumn.
Beauty berry, Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion', Close view of the violet berries on bare twigs in the autumn.
Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana, The tip of a branch -showing the sharp pointed end to the leaves.
Monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana, The tip of a branch -showing the sharp pointed end to the leaves.
Lily, Turkscap lily, Lilium martagon, A single flower showing the curved back petals and protruding orange stamen.
Lily, Turkscap lily, Lilium martagon, A single flower showing the curved back petals and protruding orange stamen.
Rodgersia 'Chocolate wing',Rodgersia aesculifolia 'Chocolate wing'
Rodgersia 'Chocolate wing',Rodgersia aesculifolia 'Chocolate wing'
Protea, close up showing the leaf pattern.
Protea, close up showing the leaf pattern.
Sage, Turkish sage, Phlomis russeliana
Sage, Turkish sage, Phlomis russeliana
Love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena
Love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena
Bulgarian honey garlic, Nectaroscordum siculum bulgaricum
Bulgarian honey garlic, Nectaroscordum siculum bulgaricum
Protea, Leucadendron protecea 'Safari Sunset', close up showing stamen.
Protea, Leucadendron protecea 'Safari Sunset', close up showing stamen.
Protea, Leucadendron protecea 'Safari Sunset', close up showing stamen.
Protea, Leucadendron protecea 'Safari Sunset', close up showing stamen.