Insect, Peacock butterfly, Inachis io, on a mauve flowering stem of Hyssop, an Agastache cultivar.
Lavender, Lavandula, two Dragonflies on flowers.
Daffodil, Paper white daffodil, Narcissus papyraceus, Side view of several delicate white flowers on long stalks, petals are backlit in sun, showing yellow stamens in the short coronas.
Daffodil, Paper white daffodil, Narcissus papyraceus, Side view of several delicate white flowers on long stalks, petals are backlit in sun, showing yellow stamens in the short coronas.
Magnolia, Magnolia stellata, Close side view of one sunlit white flower with several long graceful petals and yellow stamens and stigma.
Magnolia, Magnolia sprengeri 'Diva', Side view of a white flower on bare twigs, with another behind, stamens visible.
Hazel, Fragrant winter hazel, Corylopsis glabrescens, Close side view of twigs with dangling racemes of cream bell shaped flowers, and new leaves growing at the tips.
Hazel, Fragrant winter hazel, Corylopsis glabrescens, Close side view of twigs with dangling racemes of cream bell shaped flowers, and new leaves growing at the tips.
Hazek, Fragrant winter hazel, Corylopsis glabrescens, Close side view of twigs with dangling racemes of cream bell shaped flowers, and new leaves growing at the tips.
Cherry, Wild Cherry blossom, Prunus avium, Several white flowers on bare twigs against soft focus pale blue sky. A bee hovering aove.
Cherry, Wild Cherry blossom, Prunus avium, Several white flowers on bare twigs against soft focus pale blue sky.
Witch hazel, Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida', Close view with selective focus, of spidery yellow flowers on bare twig.