Callistemon Green bottlebrush Callistemon viridiflorus callistemon viridiflorus
Fern, Detail of green leaves showing pattern.
Tree fern, Cycad, Close up showing keaf pattern, Madeira.
Tree fern, Cycad, Close up showing keaf pattern, Madeira.
Tree fern, Cycad, Close up showing keaf pattern, Madeira.
Cherry plum, Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra', Front view of a twig with pale pink blossom and bronze leaves with others soft focus behind, forming a pattern againt a white background.
Great desert spoon, Dasyliron achrotrichum, Dramatic spikey mass of silvery narrow leaves standing out against a dark background.
Houseleek:Sempervivum tectorum, Several varieties laid in a pattern on a moss covered chair with Lamb's ears, Stachys bizntina leaves. Part of the RHS Hampton Court flower show 2010 from the Tradition...
Plantain, Ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata growing in a crack in concrete.
Lily Lilium, Leaves unfurling, appearing to be protecting the new buds within.
Chicory, Cichorium intybus 'Variegata di Choggia', Overhead view of Italian chicory, with its maroon streaked green leaves and the red radicchio head wirhin.
Cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Brassica oleracea capitata v. subauda, Several heads of this curly leaf cabbage together forming a pattern.
Smoke bush, Cotinus coggygria, Close view of an autumn leaf with its speckled patches of colours.