• Results for
    • osteospermum
  • (92)
Osteospermum, Osteospermum jucundum, Side view of purple coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Osteospermum, Osteospermum jucundum, Side view of purple coloured flowers growing outdoor.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Close side view of one closed flower with raindrops.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Close side view of one closed flower with raindrops.
Osteospermum, a white cultivar, Front view of partially open flower with dark centre against mottled pink background.
Osteospermum, a white cultivar, Front view of partially open flower with dark centre against mottled pink background.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Back view of one opening flower with raindrops on a curved stem.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Back view of one opening flower with raindrops on a curved stem.
African daisy, Osteospermum Flower Power 'Double Berry White', Front view of one flower with white petals tipped with burgundy and central cluster of burgundy petals, Against pale pink.
African daisy, Osteospermum Flower Power 'Double Berry White', Front view of one flower with white petals tipped with burgundy and central cluster of burgundy petals, Against pale pink.
Osteospernum, African daisy, Osteospermum jucundum, Masses of pink tinged white flowers in sunlight.
Osteospernum, African daisy, Osteospermum jucundum, Masses of pink tinged white flowers in sunlight.
Osteospurnum, African daisy, Osteospermum jucundum, Masses of pink tinged white flowers growing along the base of a stone wall.
Osteospurnum, African daisy, Osteospermum jucundum, Masses of pink tinged white flowers growing along the base of a stone wall.
Osteospermum, African daisy, Osteospermum jucundum, Masses of pink flowers in sunlight.
Osteospermum, African daisy, Osteospermum jucundum, Masses of pink flowers in sunlight.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Close side view of a mauve flower with droplets and an insect.
African daisy, Osteospermum 'Serenity purple', Close side view of a mauve flower with droplets and an insect.
African daisy, Osteospermum FlowerPower 'Double Berry White', Close front view of an open flower with white petals and purple undersides.
African daisy, Osteospermum FlowerPower 'Double Berry White', Close front view of an open flower with white petals and purple undersides.
African daisy, Osteospermum FlowerPower 'Double Berry White', Close front view of a half open flower with white petals and purple undersides.
African daisy, Osteospermum FlowerPower 'Double Berry White', Close front view of a half open flower with white petals and purple undersides.
Osteopermum, African daisy, Osteospermum 'Pink Whirls', Overhead view of one pink flower.
Osteopermum, African daisy, Osteospermum 'Pink Whirls', Overhead view of one pink flower.