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    • solo
  • (534)
Dahlia, Dahlia 'Eileen Denny', Close view in sunlight of one flower with white and pale pink spikey petals.
Dahlia, Dahlia 'Eileen Denny', Close view in sunlight of one flower with white and pale pink spikey petals.
Cosmos, Cosmos 'Sensation', Close side view of one open flower with pink tinged petals and showing the yellow and black stamens.
Cosmos, Cosmos 'Sensation', Close side view of one open flower with pink tinged petals and showing the yellow and black stamens.
Poppy, Oriental poppy, Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum', Underneath view of one pum coloured flower showing the deep maroon markings and covered in raindrops.
Poppy, Oriental poppy, Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum', Underneath view of one pum coloured flower showing the deep maroon markings and covered in raindrops.
Allium, Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation', Close view of one flowerhead just opening with many tiny star shaped flowers radiating out from the centre.
Allium, Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation', Close view of one flowerhead just opening with many tiny star shaped flowers radiating out from the centre.
Hellebore, Helleborus orientalis hybrid, Close  front top view of one pink flower backlit with yellow stamens.
Hellebore, Helleborus orientalis hybrid, Close front top view of one pink flower backlit with yellow stamens.
Hellebore, Helleborus orientalis hybrid, Close  front side view of one pink flower backlit with yellow stamens.
Hellebore, Helleborus orientalis hybrid, Close front side view of one pink flower backlit with yellow stamens.
Allium, Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation', Close view of one flowerhead with many tiny star shaped flowers radiating out from the centre.
Allium, Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation', Close view of one flowerhead with many tiny star shaped flowers radiating out from the centre.
Painters Palette Flamingo Flower, Anthurium scherzerianum,  Close view of one red backlit flower against blue sky, showing the proboscis silloutted shadow.
Painters Palette Flamingo Flower, Anthurium scherzerianum, Close view of one red backlit flower against blue sky, showing the proboscis silloutted shadow.
Painters Palette Flamingo Flower, Anthurium scherzerianum,  Close view of one red backlit flower against blue sky, showing the proboscis silloutted shadow.
Painters Palette Flamingo Flower, Anthurium scherzerianum, Close view of one red backlit flower against blue sky, showing the proboscis silloutted shadow.
Ecihinacea, Purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, One flower seen from top view, showing the dark centre cone against the pink petals.
Ecihinacea, Purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, One flower seen from top view, showing the dark centre cone against the pink petals.
Cup and Saucer vine, Cobaea scandens, Side view of one flower in its green sepals. Curled stamens are protruding ready for an insect to land on.
Cup and Saucer vine, Cobaea scandens, Side view of one flower in its green sepals. Curled stamens are protruding ready for an insect to land on.
Honesty, Silver dollar, Lunaria annua, Close side view of seedheads, showing one with seeds inside but the others are the papery silvery white moon shaped bits left after seeds have been shed.
Honesty, Silver dollar, Lunaria annua, Close side view of seedheads, showing one with seeds inside but the others are the papery silvery white moon shaped bits left after seeds have been shed.