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Viola, close up of the brightly coloured flowers.
Viola, close up of the brightly coloured flowers.
Viola, close up of the brightly coloured flowers.
Viola, close up of the brightly coloured flowers.
Viola, close up of the purple coloured flowers.
Viola, close up of the purple coloured flowers.
Daisy, Blue daisy, Felicia amelloides.
Daisy, Blue daisy, Felicia amelloides.
Daisy, Blue daisy, Felicia amelloides.
Daisy, Blue daisy, Felicia amelloides.
Nemesia, Nemesia 'Amelie', close up of the purple flowers.
Nemesia, Nemesia 'Amelie', close up of the purple flowers.
Grape hyacinth, Muscari botryoides 'Superstar', close up of the blue flowers.
Grape hyacinth, Muscari botryoides 'Superstar', close up of the blue flowers.
Grape hyacinth, Muscari botryoides 'Superstar', close up of the blue flowers.
Grape hyacinth, Muscari botryoides 'Superstar', close up of the blue flowers.
Lewisia, Siskiyou lewisia, Lewisia Cotyledon Hybrids, close up of purple flowers.
Lewisia, Siskiyou lewisia, Lewisia Cotyledon Hybrids, close up of purple flowers.
Knapweed, Black knapweed, Centaurea nigra.
Knapweed, Black knapweed, Centaurea nigra.
Honesty, Perennial honesty, Lunaria rediviva, close up of a cluster of small flowers.
Honesty, Perennial honesty, Lunaria rediviva, close up of a cluster of small flowers.
Spurge, Mediterranean spurge, Euphorbia characias wulfenii.
Spurge, Mediterranean spurge, Euphorbia characias wulfenii.