Cineraria, Pericallis x hybrida Senetti baby Magenta Bicolor 'Sunseneribuba', Close front view of a flower fully open showing the purple tipped white petals and the deep purple centre.
Cineraria, Pericallis x hybrida Senetti baby Magenta Bicolor 'Sunseneribuba', Close side view of a flower fully open showing the purple tipped white petals and the deep purple centre.
Rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum, Several terracotta forcing pots in front of a crumbling white brick wall.
Dogwood, Golden Tartarean dogwood, Cornus alba 'Aurea', Autumn stems of golden yellow leaves are fading and aquiring a pale pink tinge.
Dogwood, Golden Tartarean dogwood, Cornus alba 'Aurea', Autumn stems of golden yellow leaves are fading and aquiring a pale pink tinge.
LKwaslelie, Boophone haemanthoides, leaves emerging from the bulb making graphic shapes.
Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, side view showing the red coloured leaves.
Flower Mandala, manipulated image created by multiplying section of plant into a complete geometric shape.
Flower Mandala, manipulated image created by multiplying section of plant into a complete geometric shape.
Flower Mandala, manipulated image created by multiplying section of plant into a complete geometric shape.
Flower Mandala, manipulated image created by multiplying section of plant into a complete geometric shape.
Common Hogweed. Heracleum sphondylium, single ragged stem covered with snow at sunset.