• Results for
    • leaves
  • (867)
Oak, Common oak, Quercus robur, Side view of fairly mature tree with no leaves, silhouetted against the misty dawn sky in an English field.
Oak, Common oak, Quercus robur, Side view of fairly mature tree with no leaves, silhouetted against the misty dawn sky in an English field.
Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster x suecicus 'Coral Beauty', Front view of twig closely packed with lots of small green leaves and red berries, Rest of shrub behind in soft focus.
Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster x suecicus 'Coral Beauty', Front view of twig closely packed with lots of small green leaves and red berries, Rest of shrub behind in soft focus.
Holly, Ilex aquifolium, close up showing sikey leaves and red berries.
Holly, Ilex aquifolium, close up showing sikey leaves and red berries.
Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, A mass of clumps of flowering plants among dried leaves with woodland behind.
Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, A mass of clumps of flowering plants among dried leaves with woodland behind.
Spurge, Wood spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Frosted flame', Several pink tinged variegated foliage tips.
Spurge, Wood spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Frosted flame', Several pink tinged variegated foliage tips.
Spurge, Mediterranean spurge, Euphorbia characias 'Tasmanian Tiger', Front view of one yellow flowerhead emerging from variegated leaves.
Spurge, Mediterranean spurge, Euphorbia characias 'Tasmanian Tiger', Front view of one yellow flowerhead emerging from variegated leaves.
Cyclamen, Cyclamen coum, One small pink flower with inverted petals emerging out of soft focus feathery green foliage.
Cyclamen, Cyclamen coum, One small pink flower with inverted petals emerging out of soft focus feathery green foliage.
Camellia, Camellia 'Sparkling Burgundy', One sharp focus pink flower and one soft focus behind on thin twigs with leaves.
Camellia, Camellia 'Sparkling Burgundy', One sharp focus pink flower and one soft focus behind on thin twigs with leaves.
Beech, European beech, Fagus sylvatica, Several trees in winter mist, still bearing many of their dry brown leaves, and a carpet of them beneath.
Beech, European beech, Fagus sylvatica, Several trees in winter mist, still bearing many of their dry brown leaves, and a carpet of them beneath.
Nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus, A flowering stem with leaves and a backlit orange flower with red markings in a glass of water.
Nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus, A flowering stem with leaves and a backlit orange flower with red markings in a glass of water.
Bleeding heart, White, Lamprocapnos spectabilis alba, Side view of one stem with several white heart shaped flowers and cut leaves.
Bleeding heart, White, Lamprocapnos spectabilis alba, Side view of one stem with several white heart shaped flowers and cut leaves.
Dogwood, Wedding cake tree, Cornus controversa 'Variegata', View through several interwoven branches sporuting new shoots of yellow and green variegated leaves, to a mass of blue forget-me-nots, Myoso...
Dogwood, Wedding cake tree, Cornus controversa 'Variegata', View through several interwoven branches sporuting new shoots of yellow and green variegated leaves, to a mass of blue forget-me-nots, Myoso...