• Results for
    • flowering season summer
  • (1184)
Anemone, Anemone coronaria.
Anemone, Anemone coronaria.
Sumach, Cut-leaf staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina Dissecta, Red coloured plant growing outdoor.
Sumach, Cut-leaf staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina Dissecta, Red coloured plant growing outdoor.
Fred Howard Amacrinum, Crinodonna lily x Amarcrinum Fred Howard, Pink star shaped flowers growing outdoor.
Fred Howard Amacrinum, Crinodonna lily x Amarcrinum Fred Howard, Pink star shaped flowers growing outdoor.
Reeds, Sedge, Phragmites australis, Close up detail in a studio against grey background.
Reeds, Sedge, Phragmites australis, Close up detail in a studio against grey background.
Reeds, Sedge, Phragmites australis, Close up detail outdoor.
Reeds, Sedge, Phragmites australis, Close up detail outdoor.
Reeds, Sedge, Phragmites australis, Close up detail outdoor.
Reeds, Sedge, Phragmites australis, Close up detail outdoor.
Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, Green hairy seed pod growing outdoor on the plant.
Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, Green hairy seed pod growing outdoor on the plant.
Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, Green hairy seed pods growing outdoor on the plant.
Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, Green hairy seed pods growing outdoor on the plant.
Cock's comb, Celosia argentea Cristata Group, Deep red coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Cock's comb, Celosia argentea Cristata Group, Deep red coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Brilliant lychnis, Lychnis fulgens, Red coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Brilliant lychnis, Lychnis fulgens, Red coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Bristle-pointed iris, Iris setosa, Blue coloured flower growing outdoor.
Bristle-pointed iris, Iris setosa, Blue coloured flower growing outdoor.
Bristle-pointed iris, Iris setosa, Blue coloured flower growing outdoor.
Bristle-pointed iris, Iris setosa, Blue coloured flower growing outdoor.
Amur rose, Rosa davurica, Red hips growing outdoor on the plant.
Amur rose, Rosa davurica, Red hips growing outdoor on the plant.