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Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Verbena Bonariensis, With a cabbage white butterfly.-
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Verbena Bonariensis, With a cabbage white butterfly.-
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Purple top, Verbena bonariensis in front of a wall of stacked cut logs. Part of Wild in the City garden designed by Charlotte Murrell, Hampton Court flower show 2011.
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Purple top, Verbena bonariensis in front of a wall of stacked cut logs. Part of Wild in the City garden designed by Charlotte Murrell, Hampton Court flower show 2011.
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Purple top, Verbena bonariensis, with Veronicastrum, Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' and Gaura, all tall plants in a late summer prairie style planted mixed bord...
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Purple top, Verbena bonariensis, with Veronicastrum, Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' and Gaura, all tall plants in a late summer prairie style planted mixed bord...
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Verbena bonariensis skeleton covered with snow.
Verbena, Brazilian verbena, Verbena bonariensis skeleton covered with snow.
Brazilian Verbena, Verbena bonariensis, with a Painted Lady butterfly.
Brazilian Verbena, Verbena bonariensis, with a Painted Lady butterfly.
Brazilian Verbena, Verbena bonariensis with a Painted Lady butterfly, backlit.
Brazilian Verbena, Verbena bonariensis with a Painted Lady butterfly, backlit.
Brazilian Verbena, Verbena bonariensis with a Painted Lady butterfly, backlit.
Brazilian Verbena, Verbena bonariensis with a Painted Lady butterfly, backlit.
Brazilian verbena, Verbena bonariensis, a mass of transparent stalks interspersed with Golden oats, Stipa gigantea.
Brazilian verbena, Verbena bonariensis, a mass of transparent stalks interspersed with Golden oats, Stipa gigantea.
Maple, Acer.
Maple, Acer.
Rose, Wild rose, Dog rose, Rosa 'Summer breeze'.
Rose, Wild rose, Dog rose, Rosa 'Summer breeze'.
Love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena.
Love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena.
Basil, Ocimum basilicum.
Basil, Ocimum basilicum.
Fern, Polypodium vulgare.
Fern, Polypodium vulgare.
Fern, Polypodium vulgare.
Fern, Polypodium vulgare.
Orchid, Moth orchid, Phalaenopsis.
Orchid, Moth orchid, Phalaenopsis.
Waterlily, Nymphaea.
Waterlily, Nymphaea.
Waterlily, Nymphaea.
Waterlily, Nymphaea.
Waterlily, Nymphaea.
Waterlily, Nymphaea.