• Results for
    • perennial
  • (3712)
Clematis, Clematis montana 'Wilsonii', Single mauve coloured flower gropwing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis montana 'Wilsonii', Single mauve coloured flower gropwing outdoor.
Clematis, Single open flower showing the pink petals and central hub of stamens.
Clematis, Single open flower showing the pink petals and central hub of stamens.
Clematis, Single open flower showing the pink petals and central hub of stamens.
Clematis, Single open flower showing the pink petals and central hub of stamens.
Aquilegia, Columbine, Single stem of plant with pale purple head set against a pure white background.
Aquilegia, Columbine, Single stem of plant with pale purple head set against a pure white background.
Aquilegia, Columbine, Single stem of plant with slightly dropped pale purple head set against a pure white background.
Aquilegia, Columbine, Single stem of plant with slightly dropped pale purple head set against a pure white background.
Aquilegia, Columbine, Single stem of plant with slightly dropped pale purple head set against a pure white background.
Aquilegia, Columbine, Single stem of plant with slightly dropped pale purple head set against a pure white background.
Aubretia, Close up of purple coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Aubretia, Close up of purple coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Buttercup, Meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris, Single yellow flower growing outdoor amid green foliage.
Buttercup, Meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris, Single yellow flower growing outdoor amid green foliage.
Primrose, Candelabraprimula, Primula bulleyana, Peach coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Primrose, Candelabraprimula, Primula bulleyana, Peach coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Water lily, White water lily,Nymphaea alba, Single flower growing outdoor on water.
Water lily, White water lily,Nymphaea alba, Single flower growing outdoor on water.
Water lily, White water lily,Nymphaea alba, Single flower growing outdoor on water.
Water lily, White water lily,Nymphaea alba, Single flower growing outdoor on water.
Water lily, White water lily,Nymphaea alba, Single flower growing outdoor on water.
Water lily, White water lily,Nymphaea alba, Single flower growing outdoor on water.