• Results for
    • clematis
  • (125)
Clematis, Clematis 'Lasurstern', Close up of open purple flower shwoing stamen.
Clematis, Clematis 'Lasurstern', Close up of open purple flower shwoing stamen.
Clematis, Clematis montana, Backlit pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis montana, Backlit pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', Pink coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Margaret Hunt', Mauve coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Margaret Hunt', Mauve coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Zojapur', Clematis 'Jackmanii purpurea Zojapur' , Purple coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Zojapur', Clematis 'Jackmanii purpurea Zojapur' , Purple coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Blue coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Blue coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Blue coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Clematis 'Rhapsody Fretwell', Blue coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis integrifolia, Close up studio shot of purple coloured flower with yellow stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis integrifolia, Close up studio shot of purple coloured flower with yellow stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis integrifolia, Close up studio shot of purple coloured flower with yellow stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis integrifolia, Close up studio shot of purple coloured flower with yellow stamen.-