• Results for
    • autumn flowers
  • (390)
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major Monticola Group, White coloured blossoms on the tree.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major Monticola Group, White coloured blossoms on the tree.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major Monticola Group, White flowers growing on the plant outdoor.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major Monticola Group, White flowers growing on the plant outdoor.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major Monticola Group, White flowers growing on the plant outdoor.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major Monticola Group, White flowers growing on the plant outdoor.
Alder, Alnus lanata, Close view from underneat of a cluster of catkins in the spring, against blue sky.
Alder, Alnus lanata, Close view from underneat of a cluster of catkins in the spring, against blue sky.
Alder, Grey Alder, Alnus incana, Front view of a bunch of male catkins.
Alder, Grey Alder, Alnus incana, Front view of a bunch of male catkins.
Alder, Grey Alder, Alnus incana, Front view of a bunch of male catkins and a cone from the previous year behind.
Alder, Grey Alder, Alnus incana, Front view of a bunch of male catkins and a cone from the previous year behind.
Silver birch, Betula pendula with Alder, Alnus glutinosa and one Ash, Fraxinus excelsior, Coppiced stems stacked ready for use.
Silver birch, Betula pendula with Alder, Alnus glutinosa and one Ash, Fraxinus excelsior, Coppiced stems stacked ready for use.
Silver birch, Betula pendula with Alder, Alnus glutinosa and one Ash, Fraxinus excelsior, Coppiced stems stacked ready for use.
Silver birch, Betula pendula with Alder, Alnus glutinosa and one Ash, Fraxinus excelsior, Coppiced stems stacked ready for use.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major, Close view of a couple of yellow autumn leaves.
Mountain witch alder, Fothergilla major, Close view of a couple of yellow autumn leaves.
Alder, Alnus glutinosa.
Alder, Alnus glutinosa.
Alder&Reed, Alnus.
Alder&Reed, Alnus.
Alder&Reed, Alnus.
Alder&Reed, Alnus.
Daisy, Aster.
Daisy, Aster.
Mexican Orange Blossom, Choisya ternata 'Aztec pearl'.
Mexican Orange Blossom, Choisya ternata 'Aztec pearl'.
Echinacea, Purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea.
Echinacea, Purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea.
Aster, Aster x frikartii.
Aster, Aster x frikartii.
Helen's Flower, Sneezeweed, Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'.
Helen's Flower, Sneezeweed, Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'.
Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia.
Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia.
Betony, Stachys officinalis. Spike of small, tubular, purple - blue flowers.
Betony, Stachys officinalis. Spike of small, tubular, purple - blue flowers.
Spike of Salvia greggii with pink, two-lipped flowers
Spike of Salvia greggii with pink, two-lipped flowers
Close view of single flower of Rosa Summer Breeze with pink petals and deep yellow centre.
Close view of single flower of Rosa Summer Breeze with pink petals and deep yellow centre.
Helenium Rubinzwerg. Two flowers with dark red petals surrounding brown centre.
Helenium Rubinzwerg. Two flowers with dark red petals surrounding brown centre.
Fuchsia Walz Jubelteen flowers with pale pink sepals and darker pink petals.
Fuchsia Walz Jubelteen flowers with pale pink sepals and darker pink petals.