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    • beauty in nature
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Scotland, Dumfries & Galloway, Galloway Forest Park, Larch trees  with dieback disease.
Scotland, Dumfries & Galloway, Galloway Forest Park, Larch trees with dieback disease.
England, Worcestershire, Common Foxglove in the Malvern Hills.
England, Worcestershire, Common Foxglove in the Malvern Hills.
Aster, Aster Berggarten, Aster tonogolensis, Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen.
Aster, Aster Berggarten, Aster tonogolensis, Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen with insect.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen with insect.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen with insect.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen with insect.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen.
Argyranthemum frutenscens 'Larita Banana Split', Close up of the flower showing petals and stamen.
England, East Sussex, Rotherfield, wild flower meadow of grasses and clovers.
England, East Sussex, Rotherfield, wild flower meadow of grasses and clovers.
England, East Sussex, Rotherfield, wild flower meadow of grasses and clovers.
England, East Sussex, Rotherfield, wild flower meadow of grasses and clovers.
England, Norfolk, Autumn , Fallen Beech leaves on patch of Sphagnum Moss.
England, Norfolk, Autumn , Fallen Beech leaves on patch of Sphagnum Moss.
Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, in woodland area near Crossbush, West Sussex, England.
Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, in woodland area near Crossbush, West Sussex, England.
Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, in woodland area near Crossbush, West Sussex, England.
Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, in woodland area near Crossbush, West Sussex, England.