• Results for
    • all-over colour
  • (96)
Olive, Olea europea.
Olive, Olea europea.
Tulip, Parrot tulip, Tulipa 'Flaming parrot', Side view of one red, orange and yellow fringed tulip.
Tulip, Parrot tulip, Tulipa 'Flaming parrot', Side view of one red, orange and yellow fringed tulip.
Tulip, Parrot tulip, Tulipa 'Flaming parrot', Side view of one red, orange and yellow fringed tulip.
Tulip, Parrot tulip, Tulipa 'Flaming parrot', Side view of one red, orange and yellow fringed tulip.
Black Cohosh, Cohosh bugbane, Actaea racemosa, View of several white flowering stems.
Black Cohosh, Cohosh bugbane, Actaea racemosa, View of several white flowering stems.
Black Cohosh, Cohosh bugbane, Actaea racemosa, View of one white flowering stem.
Black Cohosh, Cohosh bugbane, Actaea racemosa, View of one white flowering stem.
Love-in-a-mist, Nigella sativa, View of a mass of leaves.
Love-in-a-mist, Nigella sativa, View of a mass of leaves.
Silver Spear, Astelia chathamica and Wormwood, Anthemis absinthium, Silver leaved plants growing together.
Silver Spear, Astelia chathamica and Wormwood, Anthemis absinthium, Silver leaved plants growing together.
Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, Several stems at different heights growing in gravel garden among flowers.
Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, Several stems at different heights growing in gravel garden among flowers.
Thrift, Sea thrift, Armeria maritima 'Alba', Several stems of white pom pom flowers amongst tall grass in shade
Thrift, Sea thrift, Armeria maritima 'Alba', Several stems of white pom pom flowers amongst tall grass in shade
Ferns overhanging a small pool or stream which is reflecting the blue sky above in its rippled surface.
Ferns overhanging a small pool or stream which is reflecting the blue sky above in its rippled surface.
Sweet pepper, Capsicum anuum var grossum 'Baby belle'
Sweet pepper, Capsicum anuum var grossum 'Baby belle'
Lentil, Lens culinaris, A mass of yellow split lentils.
Lentil, Lens culinaris, A mass of yellow split lentils.
Chilli, Jalapeno chilli, Capsicum annum, A mass of shiny green chillies.
Chilli, Jalapeno chilli, Capsicum annum, A mass of shiny green chillies.