• Results for
    • clematis
  • (125)
Clematis, Clematis 'Huvi', Close up of purple coloured flower showing stamen growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Huvi', Close up of purple coloured flower showing stamen growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Huvi', Close up of purple coloured flower showing stamen growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis 'Huvi', Close up of purple coloured flower showing stamen growing outdoor.
Clematis, Clematis ville de lyon, Close up of pink flower growing outdoor showing stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis ville de lyon, Close up of pink flower growing outdoor showing stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis Crystal Fountain, Close up of mauve colured flower showing stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis Crystal Fountain, Close up of mauve colured flower showing stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis 'Mrs Cholmondeley', Close up mauve coloured flower with yellow stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis 'Mrs Cholmondeley', Close up mauve coloured flower with yellow stamen.-
Clematis, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', Close up of purple flower showing yellow stamen.
Clematis, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', Close up of purple flower showing yellow stamen.
Clematis, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' flower showing stamen, with another out of focus behind.
Clematis, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' flower showing stamen, with another out of focus behind.
Clematis, Clematis happy birthday 'zohapbi', Close up showing stemen.
Clematis, Clematis happy birthday 'zohapbi', Close up showing stemen.
Clematis texensis 'Princess Kate', Side view of one deep red, elegant, tulip shape flower opening from bud.
Clematis texensis 'Princess Kate', Side view of one deep red, elegant, tulip shape flower opening from bud.
Clematis texensis 'Princess Kate', Side view of one deep red, elegant, tulip shape flower opening from bud.
Clematis texensis 'Princess Kate', Side view of one deep red, elegant, tulip shape flower opening from bud.
Clematis, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', Front view of a few purple flowers fully open showing the protruding stamen.
Clematis, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', Front view of a few purple flowers fully open showing the protruding stamen.
Clematis, Clematis 'Tie dye', a bud with purple flower with a distinctive white splash running through each petal.
Clematis, Clematis 'Tie dye', a bud with purple flower with a distinctive white splash running through each petal.