Houseleek, Sempervivum tectorum. Rosette of pointed, fleshy leaves growing with other varieties on grey, stone wall. Exterior of house part seen behind.
Veronicastrum virginicum 'Album'. Spires of small, white flowers amongst green, feathery foliage.
Lettuce, Lactuca sativa 'Lollo bionda' growing with other lettuce and coriander in recycled containers at Hampton Court 2009. Capital Growth Incentive volunteers edible balconies.
Celery, Apium graveolens, growing with Lettuce, Lactuca sativa 'Lollo rosso' at Hampton Court 2009. Capital Growth Incentive volunteers edible balconies using unusual recycled container.
Insect shelter. Hampton Court , 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden. Shelter for solitary bees made from hollow canes amongst sedum on living roof.
Allotment. Hampton Court, 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden with scarecrow standing in vegetable beds growing leeks, onions, potatoes and runner beans.
Allotment, Hampton Court 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden with open shed with planted living roof, display of harvested produce and growing Hydrangea.
Insect shelter. Hampton Court, 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden. Shelter for solitary bees made from hollow canes amongst sedum on living roof.
Kale, Brassica oleracea acephala. Hampton Court, 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden. Rows of growing kale and cabbages with compost heap beyond.
Borage and Nasturtium cultivar in glass container in front of window.
Brightly coloured flowers at Tian in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Urban garden with pebble path and railway sleepers. Planting includes Helenium Indian Summer, Echinacea purpurea and Rudbeckia subtomentosa.