Whitebeam, Sorbus aria. Studio shot of green leaf, turning brown lying on rusty metal sheet.
Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna. Studio shot of two stems of Hawthorn or May with red autumn berries, lying on rusty metal sheet.
Rowan, Sorbus aucuparia. Studio shot of green, spring leaf of Rowan or Mountain ash lying in card tray.
Nettle, Urtica dioica. Clump of fresh, green, Common or Stinging nettles, filling camera frame.
Lime tree, Tilia x europaea. Studio shot of yellow autumn leaf of Common lime or Linden tree lying on rusty metal sheet.
Whitebeam, Sorbus aria. Studio shot of back of pale, soft, green, veined spring leaf of Whitebeam displayed in card tray.
Poppy, Papaver rhoeas. Two hairy stems of Common poppy with opening flower buds lying on background of red poppy petals and arranged to form heart shape.
Pansy, Viola x wittrockiana, Two yellow and mauve flowers of Pansy or Viola tricolor lying with purple flower bud and leaf in card tray.
Honeysucklle, Lonicera periclymenum. Studio shot of two flower heads of Honeysuckle or Woodbine arranged in card tray.
Carrot, Wild carrot:Daucus carota. White flower umbels in soft, golden sunlight.
Carrot, Wild carrot:Daucus carota. White flower umbels on narrow, green stems.
Beetroot, Beta vulgaris 'Dewing's Early' in flower. Green flower spikes on dark red branching stems.