Fawn lily, Erythronium californicum 'White Beauty', Close view of one flower with white reflex petals tinged with yellow towards the centre and a splash of red.
Sweet box, Sarcococca confusa, Close cropped view of the scented white flowers and glossy leaves.
Witch hazel, Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida', A branch of shaggy long thin petalled yellow flowers against a white backgound.
Birch, Himalayan birch, Betula utilis var, jacquemontii, 2 small trees in a bed of bare orange and yellow shrub Dogwood, Cornus sanguinea 'Anny's Winter Orange'.
Beech, Fagus sylvatica, Low angle view of a woodland of tall, slender trees with bare branches against a twilight sky, One tree in centre with a white arrow pointing up painted on it.
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Gervase', One stem with striped flowers, deep magenta petals and white highlights, Long curled stamen and stigma, Against a graduated white background.
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Gervase', Close view of one stem with bold, striped flowers, deep magenta petals and white highlights, Long curled stamen and stigma, Against a white background.
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Gervase', Close view of one stem with bold, striped flowers, deep magenta petals and white highlights, Long curled stamen and stigma, Against a white background.