Digitally manipulated image of stem and green leaves on softened, muted background creating the effect of illustration.
Digitally manipulated image of row of leaves of various sizes on softened, muted background creating the effect of illustration.
Digitally manipulated image of stem of Cotinus in a vase with red leaves against a softened, muted background creating the effect of illustration.
Smoke bush, Cotinus coggygria, Digitally manipulated image of stem of Cotinus in a glass vase with glossy, dark, leaves against a softened, muted background creating the effect of illustration.
Thistle, Onopordum acanthium. Scotch or Cotton thistle single flower stem with spiny leaves, base of flower and bracts.
Caryopteris cultivar. Single stem in foreground of others with clusters of small, blue flowers with prominent stamens and grey, green leaves.
Cow horn, Euphorbia grandicornis. Close view of tiny yellow flowers growing along edges of spiny, fleshy leaves.
New caledonian pine, Araucaria columnaris. Close view of multiple cord-like branchlets covered in pointed, overlapping, scale-like leaves.
Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Stem and leaves casting shadow over wood with vertical pattern of grain.
New, green leaves of Hazel, Corylus avellana.
Viburnum burkwoodii. Rounded flower head of tubular, pale pink flowers on woody stem with oval, green leaves.
Water lily, Nymphaea Foxfire. Large, single flower with purple petals and orange centre and mottled bronze and green leaves.