Lupin, Lupinus 'Persian Slipper', Clos3e-up detail of Mauve and white flowers growing outdoor.
Lupin, Lupinus 'Persian Slipper', Clos3e-up detail of Mauve and white flowers growing outdoor.
Snowdrop, Galanthus, Small white coloured flowers growing outdoor.
Pumpkin, Cucurbita, Four white pumpkins on display.
Nigella, Love In A Mist, Nigella Damascena, Studio shot against white background.
Daisy, Shasta Daisies, Leucanthemum Maximum, Close up detail of flower in bloom showing white pets and yellow stamen.
Cosmos, Pink & white flowers growing outdoor in the borders of a walled garden.
Daisy, Daisy Bellis, Side view of flowers with white petals and yellow stamen growing outdoor.
Honeysuckle, Lonicera Periclymenum, Studio shot of yellow flower against white background.
Lily, Calla Lily, Zantedeschia, Studio image of white flower with green stem and leaf.
Monkshood, White monkshood, Aconitum alboviolaceum, Close up of mauve coloured flower growing outdoor.
Variegated Japanese laurel, Variegated gold dust plant, Aucuba japonica Variegata, Detail of green a white coloured leaves and two red berries growing outdoor.