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Wild Iris in pasture on Slea Head Drive, County Kerry, Ireland.
Wild Iris in pasture on Slea Head Drive, County Kerry, Ireland.
French lavender, Lavandula stoechas, A bunch of several cut stems.
French lavender, Lavandula stoechas, A bunch of several cut stems.
Korean feather reed grass, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Side view of several stems with their feathery plumes of creamy brown.
Korean feather reed grass, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Side view of several stems with their feathery plumes of creamy brown.
Montbretia, Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Honey Angels', Side view of several plants bearing green berries left after flowering and strappy leaves.
Montbretia, Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Honey Angels', Side view of several plants bearing green berries left after flowering and strappy leaves.
Sage, Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Enigma', Side view of several stems with lipped blue flowers.
Sage, Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Enigma', Side view of several stems with lipped blue flowers.
Sage, Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Enigma', Side view of several stems with lipped blue flowers.
Sage, Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Enigma', Side view of several stems with lipped blue flowers.
Ginger, Zingiber officinale, Overhead view of several pieces of fresh root ginger laid on top of one another with a couple broken open.
Ginger, Zingiber officinale, Overhead view of several pieces of fresh root ginger laid on top of one another with a couple broken open.
Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, Several potatoes with one cut open to reveal pale orange flesh.
Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, Several potatoes with one cut open to reveal pale orange flesh.
Spinach, Spinacea oleracea, Several leaves laid on top of one another.
Spinach, Spinacea oleracea, Several leaves laid on top of one another.
Sweetcorn, Zea mays, Several yellow cobs with green husks laid on top of one another.
Sweetcorn, Zea mays, Several yellow cobs with green husks laid on top of one another.
Sweet pepper, Capsicum annuum var. grossum, Several shiny red peppers, some with green stalks.
Sweet pepper, Capsicum annuum var. grossum, Several shiny red peppers, some with green stalks.
Carrot, Daucus carota, Many carrots with leaves laid on top of one another.
Carrot, Daucus carota, Many carrots with leaves laid on top of one another.
Peony, Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt', Two pink flowers many petalled, one sharp focus.
Peony, Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt', Two pink flowers many petalled, one sharp focus.