• Results for
    • houseplant
  • (379)
Begonia, Trays of plants outdoor.
Begonia, Trays of plants outdoor.
Aloe vera, Three plants growing outdoor in a planter.
Aloe vera, Three plants growing outdoor in a planter.
Canary Islands Dragon Tree, Dracaena draco, Looking skyward through tree.-
Canary Islands Dragon Tree, Dracaena draco, Looking skyward through tree.-
Cactus, Barrel cactus, Erocactus echidne, Detail showing pattern of spiky needles.-
Cactus, Barrel cactus, Erocactus echidne, Detail showing pattern of spiky needles.-
Pitcher plant, Sarraceria courtii, Two entwined stems growing outdoor.
Pitcher plant, Sarraceria courtii, Two entwined stems growing outdoor.
Begonia, Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery', Close up detail of leaf showing the pattern.-
Begonia, Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery', Close up detail of leaf showing the pattern.-
Orchid, Cymbidium tracyanum, Close cropped view of the mouth and tongue of this striped orange orchid.
Orchid, Cymbidium tracyanum, Close cropped view of the mouth and tongue of this striped orange orchid.
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a black back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a black back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a black back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a black back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a white back...