• Results for
    • greenery
  • (299)
Dogwood, Pink flowering dogwood, Cornus kousa 'Rosea'
Dogwood, Pink flowering dogwood, Cornus kousa 'Rosea'
Pasqueflower, Pulsatilla vulgaris, single flower with raindrops and foliage against a white background.
Pasqueflower, Pulsatilla vulgaris, single flower with raindrops and foliage against a white background.
Cosmos bipinnatus, side view of a single deep red flower of against its soft focus feathery foliage.
Cosmos bipinnatus, side view of a single deep red flower of against its soft focus feathery foliage.
Hazel, Purple leaved filbert, Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', backlit leaves showing red colour.
Hazel, Purple leaved filbert, Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', backlit leaves showing red colour.
Hazel, Purple leaved filbert, Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', backlit leaves showing red colour
Hazel, Purple leaved filbert, Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', backlit leaves showing red colour
Hazel, Purple leaved filbert, Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', backlit leaf showing red colour.
Hazel, Purple leaved filbert, Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', backlit leaf showing red colour.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Hydrangea, backlit view of brown coloured leaves.
Hydrangea, backlit view of brown coloured leaves.
Goat's beard, Tragopogon pratensis, close up showing the delicate pattern.
Goat's beard, Tragopogon pratensis, close up showing the delicate pattern.
Goat's beard, Tragopogon pratensis, close up showing the delicate pattern.
Goat's beard, Tragopogon pratensis, close up showing the delicate pattern.
Fraser Photinia, Photinia x fraseri, looking up through plant toward blue sky.
Fraser Photinia, Photinia x fraseri, looking up through plant toward blue sky.