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Primrose, Primula 'Appleblossom', Overhead view of one cream flower flushed with pink and a yellow centre, surrounded by a neat rosette of green leaves.
Primrose, Primula 'Appleblossom', Overhead view of one cream flower flushed with pink and a yellow centre, surrounded by a neat rosette of green leaves.
Primrose, Primula 'Delia mix', Overhead graphic view of one cream flower with a pink ring and yellow middle, surrounded by a neat rosette of green leaves.
Primrose, Primula 'Delia mix', Overhead graphic view of one cream flower with a pink ring and yellow middle, surrounded by a neat rosette of green leaves.
Primrose, Primula 'Delia mix', Overhead graphic view of one cream flower with a pink ring and yellow middle, positioned in the centre surrounded by a neat rosette of green leaves.
Primrose, Primula 'Delia mix', Overhead graphic view of one cream flower with a pink ring and yellow middle, positioned in the centre surrounded by a neat rosette of green leaves.
Nasturtium, a Tropaeolum majus cultivar, Close view of two leaves with droplets, one large droplet in the centre.
Nasturtium, a Tropaeolum majus cultivar, Close view of two leaves with droplets, one large droplet in the centre.
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a black back...
Amaryllis, Hippeastrum 'Chico', Side view of one stem with symmetrical flowers either side, having curled spikey pink and green petals with long curled stamen and extended stigma, Against a black back...
Water lily, Nymphaea cultivar, Close view of one pink magenta flower with yellow stamens and leaves behind
Water lily, Nymphaea cultivar, Close view of one pink magenta flower with yellow stamens and leaves behind
Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera 'Fastigiatum', Close top view of one flower with green and orange petals and long orange stamens among green leaves.
Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera 'Fastigiatum', Close top view of one flower with green and orange petals and long orange stamens among green leaves.
Pasque flower, Pulsatilla vulgaris rubra, Close cropped side view of several fluffy sedheads against black, one raised higher above the others.
Pasque flower, Pulsatilla vulgaris rubra, Close cropped side view of several fluffy sedheads against black, one raised higher above the others.
Pasque flower, Pulsatilla vulgaris rubra, Side view of several fluffy sedheads against black, one raised higher above the others.
Pasque flower, Pulsatilla vulgaris rubra, Side view of several fluffy sedheads against black, one raised higher above the others.
Lupin, Lupinus 'Purple Emperor', Side view of one spire with bicolour flowers of mauve and magenta, others and bright green foliage soft focus behind, in bright sunshine.
Lupin, Lupinus 'Purple Emperor', Side view of one spire with bicolour flowers of mauve and magenta, others and bright green foliage soft focus behind, in bright sunshine.
Lupin, Lupinus 'Purple Emperor', Side view of one spire with bicolour flowers of mauve and magenta, others soft focus behind, in bright sunshine.
Lupin, Lupinus 'Purple Emperor', Side view of one spire with bicolour flowers of mauve and magenta, others soft focus behind, in bright sunshine.
Lupin, Lupinus 'Purple Emperor', Side view of one spire with bicolour flowers of mauve and magenta, and a buff tailed bee entering one, in bright sunshine, Others soft focus behind,
Lupin, Lupinus 'Purple Emperor', Side view of one spire with bicolour flowers of mauve and magenta, and a buff tailed bee entering one, in bright sunshine, Others soft focus behind,