• Results for
    • Spruce
  • (65)
Pine, Ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa, Detail showing spiky nature of the tree.
Pine, Ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa, Detail showing spiky nature of the tree.
Pine, Fir, Spruce, Norway spruce cones growing outdoor on the tree.
Pine, Fir, Spruce, Norway spruce cones growing outdoor on the tree.
Hoarfrost on pine tree, Oregon, USA.
Hoarfrost on pine tree, Oregon, USA.
Sitka Spruce trees in fog, Samuel H Boardman State Scenic Corridor, Oregon, USA.
Sitka Spruce trees in fog, Samuel H Boardman State Scenic Corridor, Oregon, USA.
Grand fir Christmas trees with red bow on one, Oregon, USA.
Grand fir Christmas trees with red bow on one, Oregon, USA.
Gnarled exposed roots of Bristlecone Pine Tree, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Inyo county, California, USA.
Gnarled exposed roots of Bristlecone Pine Tree, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Inyo county, California, USA.
Bristlecone fir, Abies bracteata, Close view of two sprigs showing the cones forming at the tips.
Bristlecone fir, Abies bracteata, Close view of two sprigs showing the cones forming at the tips.
Pine, Fir, Spruce, Picea.
Pine, Fir, Spruce, Picea.
Pine, Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris.
Pine, Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris.
Conifer, Thujopsis dolabrata.
Conifer, Thujopsis dolabrata.
Fir, Abies.
Fir, Abies.