Parsnip 'Gladiator', Pastinaca sativa 'Gladiator', Green leaves growing outdoor in soil.
Lettuce, Lactuca sativa, Mixed varieties growing outdoor in soil.
Kale, Brassica oleracea acephala. Hampton Court 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden. View looking down on head of kale, filling camera frame.
Lettuce 'Arctic King', Lactuca sativa 'Arctic King', Close up aerial view of green salad vegetable.
Allotment, Hampton Court 2009, Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden. Vegetables include Kohlrabi, Brassica oleracea gongylodes 'Purple Danube'.
Kale, Brassica oleracea acephala. Hampton Court, 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden. Rows of growing kale and cabbages with compost heap beyond.
Tomato. Lycopersicon esculentum 'Belriccio', Bulbous red coloured tomatoes growing on the vine.
Allotment. Hampton Court, 2009. Winchester Growers, The Growing Tastes allotment garden with open shed with planted, living roof, displaying prizes for growing on door, raised beds and harvested produ...
Chilli, Fairy Lights Chilli, Capsicum annum, multi coloured chillies growing on the plant.-
Celery, Apium graveolens, growing with Lettuce, Lactuca sativa 'Lollo rosso' at Hampton Court 2009. Capital Growth Incentive volunteers edible balconies using unusual recycled container.