Blackberry, Rubus fruticosus 'Loch Tay', Berries in several stages of ripeness with leaves.
Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, Several stems at different heights growing in gravel garden among flowers.
Hosta, Spring shoots of a mature plant sprouting up among cut off spent stems of the previous year.
Ferns overhanging a small pool or stream which is reflecting the blue sky above in its rippled surface.
Plantain, Ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata growing in a crack in concrete.
Oleander, Nerium oleander, bush and wildflowers by the beach in Halkidiki, Greece with rubbish strewn around, illustrating mans disregard of the beauty of nature.
Mallow, Common Mallow, Malva sylvestris and other wildflowers and grasses viewed throught a soft focus rusty chainmail fence.
Sow thistle, Sonchus oleraceus and other weeds growing in a neglected street container.
Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica, New growth on a single twig.
Linden or Lime tree, Tilia x europaea which has just finished flowering. Bright green leaves in sunlight against blue sky.
Forest pansy, Cercis canadensis heart shaped autumn leaves, Backlit on white and arranged in a pile, with most detiorated ones at the bottom and the freshest one dropping onto the top.
Tea plant, Camellia sinensis, Tips of the Tea plant which are the parts commonly used to make tea.