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    • tree
  • (1560)
Sugar maple, Acer saccharum.
Sugar maple, Acer saccharum.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Cherry Blossom Tree, Prunus, detail of pink coloured blossoms on tree in domestic garden. Plants, Trees, Blossom.
Winged sumac, Rhus copallinum, drupes of red fruit berries on leafy braches of a tree in autumn against a blue sky. Plants, Trees, Winged Sumac.
Winged sumac, Rhus copallinum, drupes of red fruit berries on leafy braches of a tree in autumn against a blue sky. Plants, Trees, Winged Sumac.
Staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina, drupes of red fruit berries on braches of a tree in autumn against a blue sky. Plants, Trees, Staghorn Sumac.
Staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina, drupes of red fruit berries on braches of a tree in autumn against a blue sky. Plants, Trees, Staghorn Sumac.
USA, California, Joshua Tree National Park, Joshua trees and rock outcrops in the Mojave Desert. USA, California, Joshua Tree National Park.
USA, California, Joshua Tree National Park, Joshua trees and rock outcrops in the Mojave Desert. USA, California, Joshua Tree National Park.
USA, California, Joshua Treee National Park, Cactus in Cholla Cactus Garden. USA, California, Joshua Tree National Park.
USA, California, Joshua Treee National Park, Cactus in Cholla Cactus Garden. USA, California, Joshua Tree National Park.