Water lily, Nymphaea cultivar. Two pink flowers raised on stems above water surface and lily pads.
Blanket flower, Gaillardia pulchella. Close view of single, daisy-like flower head with reddish brown centre scattered with pollen.
Virginia Bluebell, Mertensia virginica with branched stems of clustered, funnel-shaped blue and violet coloured flowers.
Crocus cultivar, tightly furled flower and pointed leaves emerging from snow.
Water Snowflake, two white flowers with yellow centres and feathery edges to the petals. Leaves of Giant Water Sensitive Plant, Aeschynomene fluitans part seen behind.
Water Snowflake, two white flowers with yellow centres and feathery edges to the petals. Leaves of Giant Water Sensitive Plant, Aeschynomene fluitans behind.