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Geranium 'Dusky Rose' just opening and to the right hand edge of the frame.
Geranium 'Dusky Rose' just opening and to the right hand edge of the frame.
Godetia or Farewell to Spring, Clarkia amoena , manipultaed blue flower against a dappled blue background.
Godetia or Farewell to Spring, Clarkia amoena , manipultaed blue flower against a dappled blue background.
Fern, Male fern:Dryopteris filix-mas, growing outdoor in a garden next to a pond.
Fern, Male fern:Dryopteris filix-mas, growing outdoor in a garden next to a pond.
Cabbage, Brassica oleracea.
Cabbage, Brassica oleracea.
Delphinium, Delphinium 'Blue Bees'.
Delphinium, Delphinium 'Blue Bees'.